Deciduous Trees

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    Quaking Aspen Out of stock

    Quaking Aspen

    A fast growing tree with smooth white bark and beautiful fall foliage. Leaves ‘tremble’ in the slightest wind. Aspens are found at upper elevations but can be planted in the landscape lower. Trees can grow up to 75 feet tall and require moist to wet sites and full sun. *Please be aware this plant spreads through rhizomes and should not be planted next to a foundation or septic system.*

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    Out of stock

    Vine Maple

    A small multi-trunk tree growing up to 25 feet tall. A common understory plant in our western forests. Found in moist to wet places in the shade of other trees. It will thrive in sunny openings with adequate moisture. Produces spectacular fall color in drier sites with more sun.

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    Beaked Hazelnut Out of stock

    Beaked Hazelnut

    This hazelnut is multi-stemmed tree found in open forests or along its edges. In spring, the male plants have bright yellow catkins before the leaves appear offering a welcome sight from the long days of winter. It can grow 5-15 feet in height and can handle moist to dry soils. In fall leaves are bright yellow and nuts are foraged by wildlife.

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