Spanish Field Scouting for Pest Disease & Beneficial Insects

Please join course instructor, Eduardo Garcia M.S., for two days of a practical and hands-on Field Scouting for Orchard Pest and Disease and Beneficial Insect training . Register here:

When: Wednesday May 14th 11am-4pm & Thursday May 15th from 11am-4pm

Where: OSU Extension Office and Experimental Orchard (2990 Experiment Station Dr. Hood River, OR 97031)

Cost: $0*-$85

*We do not want cost to be a barrier to people participating, if you can pay the full asking amount please do. Otherwise there are different discounted ticket options and you can pay what you can. Our priority is participation and education. ** AKA Don’t be cheap! but if you need the discount please use it**

Lunch, snacks, and course supplies and materials are provided.

This course is designed to increase the knowledge and understanding of practical field scouting techniques in pear and cherry orchards for Spanish speaking orchardists and employees who would act as first line of defense in recognizing pest and disease pressure.

The class will be both in the class room and in the field. It will focus on introduction to the main pear and cherry orchard pests and diseases, identification and recognizing damage, understanding the biology, scouting and monitoring, control options, integrated pest management, and beneficial insects.

There will be 4 pesticide credits available each day in both Oregon and Washington, 8 credits for both classes (pending).

Contact Kris Schaedel with the Hood River Soil and Water Conservation District with any questions or 541-368-4588 Si tiene preguntas y desea hablar en español, llame a Jaime Rivera al 541-490-0699 o envíe un correo electrónico a