This event is a collaboration with Providence Occupational Health, One Community Health, Skyline Hospital, Hood River SWCD, and the Columbia Gorge Fruit Growers. This event is designed for pesticide applicators and handlers to receive a medical questionnaire review and have an OSHA certified fit test with their respirator. This event will have bilingual capacity. This is a free event but registration is needed.
Date: February 13th and 14th, 2025
Time: 20 minute time slots from 8 am – 4:15 pm
Where: Pine Grove Grange, 2935 Van Horn Drive, Hood River, OR
Cost: Free with registration
Register Here
Steps to take PLEASE READ:
- Select a time slot for the fit testing. Testing should take about 20min.
- Enter the name of the participant receiving the fit test. As well as, the best contact information.
- A medical questionnaire (in English and Spanish) will be emailed (or physically mailed) for the participant to fill out.
- If assistance is needed to fill out the information there will be bilingual medical staff onsite. If you would like to receive a physical copy of the medical questionnaire prior to the respirator fit testing, please provide us with mailing address.
- Participants should show up with a NIOSH approved respirator mask and filters that they use.
- Participants should be clean shaven and not have facial hair or stubble.
- Do not drink tea, coffee, gum, mints, eating, drinking, or brushing teeth for 30 minutes prior. Water is ok.
Contact Kris Schaedel with any questions at 541-386-4588 or
Si tiene preguntas y desea hablar en español, llame a Jaime Rivera al 541-490-0699 o