Respirator Fit Testing

This event is a collaboration with Providence Occupational Health, One Community Health, Skyline Hospital, Hood River SWCD, and the Columbia Gorge Fruit Growers. This event is designed for pesticide applicators and handlers to receive a medical questionnaire review and have an OSHA certified fit test with their respirator. This event will have bilingual capacity. This is a free event but registration is needed.


Date:  February 13th and 14th, 2025

Time:  20 minute time slots from 8 am – 4:15 pm

Where:  Pine Grove Grange, 2935 Van Horn Drive, Hood River, OR

Cost:  Free with registration

Register Here

Steps to take PLEASE READ:

  1. Select a time slot for the fit testing. Testing should take about 20min.
  2. Enter the name of the participant receiving the fit test. As well as, the best contact information.
  3. A medical questionnaire (in English and Spanish) will be emailed (or physically mailed) for the participant to fill out.
  4. If assistance is needed to fill out the information there will be bilingual medical staff onsite. If you would like to receive a physical copy of the medical questionnaire prior to the respirator fit testing, please provide us with mailing address.
  5. Participants should show up with a NIOSH approved respirator mask and filters that they use.
  6. Participants should be clean shaven and not have facial hair or stubble.
  7. Do not drink tea, coffee, gum, mints, eating, drinking, or brushing teeth for 30 minutes prior. Water is ok.

Contact Kris Schaedel with any questions at 541-386-4588 or


Si tiene preguntas y desea hablar en español, llame a Jaime Rivera al 541-490-0699 o