Mobile Chipping Service

Mobile wood chipping is back in 2025!

We are excited to announce that local landowners in Hood River County will have access to free mobile wood chipping for debris generated through defensible space work. The free chipping is compliments of the Oregon Department of Forestry Small Forestland Grant that funds projects to protect communities from the risk of wildfire.


The purpose of this grant is to help landowners dispose of woody debris from performing defensible space on their properties.

The SWCD will work with a local contractor and will have their crew available to chip branches, small trees, and other woody debris for private landowners.


There is still time to sign up for Spring 2025!   Use the link below to sign up for these services. Once dates are finalized, we will follow up with an email to you.


Sign up Here!

Important things to note before signing up for this free service:

  • Woody debris and material should be piled in a flat location with vehicle access and a turn-around for a truck and trailer.
  • Piles should be limited to 4 feet tall.
  • The butt ends of branches and small trees should be facing the same way and on the accessible side of the pile.
  • Please do not put leaves, grass clippings, gravel, or dirt in the piled material.
  • Avoid putting vines, rotten wood, or lumber into the piles. This includes blackberry vines and poison oak.
  • Material greater than 8″ in diameter, or over-wintered material will not be able to be chipped.
  • Make a plan for how to use your wood chips, as they will not be removed.

For more information on Defensible Space, including a Defensible Space Checklist click here.  Resources are from the Oregon State Fire Marshall.