
Our History

Soil and Water Conservation Districts were created and organized by federal law in 1937 in response to the dust bowl and soil erosion conditions which existed in the United States during the late 1920s and 1930s. In 1939, the Oregon Legislature passed a bill creating the mechanism through which soil and water conservation districts could be established in the State of Oregon. The Hood River SWCD was incorporated on Sept. 30, 1953. The boundaries of the SWCD include all lands within the legal boundaries of Hood River County. The district initiated the Hood River Watershed Group in December, 1993, as the official watershed council for Hood River County and separated into two organizations in 2022. This District has since grown to 3 full time staff and a five-member elected board and three associate board members.

What does the Hood River SWCD do?

The Hood River SWCD helps landowners, managers, and residents maintain and improve natural resources within Hood River County. We have helped landowners obtain technical and financial assistance to implement many different kinds of projects including: installing efficient irrigation systems, planting native trees along streams, fencing livestock out of water ways, utilize the mobile chipping program, enhancing riparian habitat, improving fish passage, and identifying and treating invasive weeds. We also organize and facilitate bilingual educational trainings and workshops.


Contact us to find out how we can help you manage land for the conservation of natural resources. 

How is the Hood River SWCD organized?

The Hood River SWCD is not a state agency; it is classified as a form of local government, also known as a Special District. Oregon Special Districts are required to follow many of the same laws that govern state agencies. Other Special Districts include: irrigation districts, parks and recreation, fire departments, port districts, etc. Hood River SWCD is non-regulatory and only works with members of the public on a voluntary basis.


The Hood River SWCD is governed by a locally elected, volunteer Board of Directors and encourages public participation in its meetings, activities, and business. The Hood River SWCD holds its regular monthly board meeting, which is open to the public, at 4pm on the first Thursday of each month in the meeting room at the OSU Extension office.


Click below to view our meeting schedule. 


Jed Arnold

District Manager
Photo of Kris Schaedel

Kris Schaedel

Conservation Program Manager

Cheryl Rice

Conservation Technician

Board of Directors

The HRSWCD is comprised of a five member elected board of directors. 

Pete Siragusa

Zone 1- Vice Chair

Brian Nakamura

Zone 2- Board Chair

Ben Saur

Zone 3
Photo of Andrew Halladay

Andrew Halliday

At Large – 1, Secretary/ Treasurer
Photo of Annie Alsheimer

Annie Alsheimer

At Large – 2

Chal Oates

Associate Director

Chuck Gehling

Associate Director
Headshot for Richard Larson

Richard Larson

Associate Director

Plant Sale!

We will be hosting the annual SWCD Native Plant Sale spring of 2025! Explore species information, availability, and planting tips.