Puncturevine Pull – Volunteer Events

The HRSWCD is excited to announce 3 puncturevine pulling volunteer events along the Hood River waterfront throughout the summer months.

Thursday July 18th, Thursday August 15th, and Thursday September 19th.

The events will run from 8:30 am to 11 am each day.

Feel free to sign up for one or multiple days.

Because of the wonderful efforts of community volunteers over the past two years, we have started to see results at Hood River Waterfront Park.

Puncturevine, also known as goathead, is a noxious weed that has made its way into Hood River County. It can be found in sunny, dry, rocky locations such as roadsides or gravel parking lots.  This summer annual forms a dense mat with very, sharp, spiny seed heads and an extensive root system. The seeds spread easily when they become embedded in footwear and vehicle tires. They are extremely sharp and cause damage by easily puncturing bike tires, inflatable rafts, or dog paws.

Unfortunately, Hood River County does not have the capacity to address all known infestations of this weed, so we must work together to make a difference.


Can’t make the event?

Take weed pulling into your own hands, literally.


Identifying Puncturevine:

Puncturevine grows in low-to-the-ground dense mats about 2 to 5 feet in diameter. The stems radiate out from one central taproot. The flowers are about 1/2 inch wide with five petals and the stems have tiny hairs.


Removing Puncturevine:

Puncturevine can be removed by severing the central taproot at least one inch below the surface of the soil. Make sure to place plants, including and seed pods that may fall off, in a heavy duty trash bag (Please do not compost this material).

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